
freeze.png (Freeze) - Freeze smiley LIMITED

Freeze allows you to stop any smiley at any possible frame of its animation cycle.

The range of possible frames is individual to each smiley, and some smiley animations may have more frames than others. For instance, some smilies may have a range of between 1 and 16 frames and others between 1 and 36. The maximum number of frames that any smiley can have is 72.

If you specify a frame number too high, the smiley will freeze on its final frame.


To freeze a smiley, use the following format: (smiley#flob#wframenumber).

For example, (candyeat#flob#w15) will freeze the (candyeat) smiley on frame 15 of its animation.

To see all the frames a smiley has, use this link and replace "candyeat" with your desired smiley name.