(Namegrad) - Rainbow name LIMITED
Rainbow and custom gradient effects with your Namecolor.
An example of a code for a custom gradient (the code is entered into your display name): (glow#0#grad#r#g#r90)
Here is a breakdown of the code:
- glow#0 - Glow effect for your gradient. Replace 0 with a hex code to set a Nameglow, or leave it at 0 for no glow.
- grad#r#g - Two color gradients, beginning with red and ending with green.
- You can use up to 15 colors at once to produce gradient effects.
- grad#r#g#b#000001#ffffff - In this example, 5 colors are used in the following order: red, green, blue, black then white.
- r90 - Rotates the gradient 90 degrees clockwise (vertical gradient).
- s1 - Shifts the gradient to the right. The higher the number, the more it shifts.
To produce a rainbow gradient, simply put (glow#0#grad) in your name.
Note: Namecolor, Nameglow and color powers are required for Namegrad to function.
Table of Hex Codes
| FFA07A | | FA8072 | | E9967A | | F08080 | | CD5C5C | | DC143C | | B22222 | | 8B0000 | | FF0000 | | FF4500 | | FF6347 | | FF7F50 | | FF8C00 | | FFA500 | | FFD700 | | | E6E6FA | | D8BFD8 | | DDA0DD | | EE82EE | | DA70D6 | | FF00FF | | BA55D3 | | 9370DB | | 8A2BE2 | | 9400D3 | | 9932CC | | 800080 | | 4B0082 | | 483D8B | | 6A5ACD | | 7B68EE | | FFC0CB | | FFB6C1 | | FF69B4 | | DB7093 | | DB7093 | | C71585 | | | FFF8DC | | FFEBCD | | FFE4C4 | | FFDEAD | | F5DEB3 | | DEB887 | | D2B48C | | BC8F8F | | F4A460 | | DAA520 | | B8860B | | CD853F | | D2691E | | 8B4513 | | A0522D | | A52A2A | | 800000 | | FFFF00 | | FFFFE0 | | FFFACD | | FAFAD2 | | FFEFD5 | | FFE4B5 | | FFDAB9 | | EEE8AA | | F0E68C | | BDB76B | | | 556B2F | | 808000 | | 6B8E23 | | 9ACD32 | | 32CD32 | | 00FF00 | | 7CFC00 | | 7FFF00 | | ADFF2F | | 00FF7F | | 00FA9A | | 90EE90 | | 98FB98 | | 8FBC8F | | 3CB371 | | 2E8B57 | | 228B22 | | 008000 | | 006400 | | | B0C4DE | | B0E0E6 | | ADD8E6 | | 87CEEB | | 87CEFA | | 00BFFF | | 1E90FF | | 6495ED | | 4682B4 | | 4169E1 | | 0000FF | | 0000CD | | 00008B | | 000080 | | 191970 | | 66CDAA | | 00FFFF | | E0FFFF | | AFEEEE | | 7FFFD4 | | 40E0D0 | | 48D1CC | | 00CED1 | | 20B2AA | | 5F9EA0 | | 008B8B | | 008080 | | | FFFFFF | | FFFAFA | | F0FFF0 | | F5FFFA | | F0FFFF | | F0F8FF | | F8F8FF | | F5F5F5 | | FFF5EE | | F5F5DC | | FDF5E6 | | FFFAF0 | | FFFFF0 | | FAEBD7 | | FAF0E6 | | FFF0F5 | | FFE4E1 | | DCDCDC | | D3D3D3 | | C0C0C0 | | A9A9A9 | | 808080 | | 696969 | | 778899 | | 708090 | | 708090 | | 000001 | |