
namewave.png (Namewave) - Animated Grad Name LIMITED

Note: Namegrad, Namecolor, Nameglow and color powers are required for Namewave to function.


Add o1, o2, or o3 in your name for the wave to move in different selective motions.

  • o1 will moves from a right to left motion in a upward motion.
  • o2 will moves from a right to left motion in an upward motion, slightly faster.
  • o3 will moves from a right to left motion in an upward motion, much more faster

You can control how the angels is, but it is limited to + - 45.

Here is a breakdown of the code:



You DON'T need to add o1 to the code unless you want to change the speed of the power.

Note: You need to disable this power if you want to use namegrad as a solid color.

Limited Pawns